Cybot Robotchi, known in the United States as Robby the Rascal, is a 39-episode anime television series created by Ken Ishikawa and produced by Go Nagai's Dynamic Productions and the Knack animation studio. The series aired on TV Tokyo in Japan from October 1982 to June 1983. The series featured contributions from Tetsuro Amino as a storyboard artist and Masayuki Kojima as an episode director. A feature-length English-dubbed version comprising several episodes edited together into a movie, titled Robby the Rascal, was produced by Jim Terry's Kidpix Productions and released on home video in the United States in 1985. However, the English version deleted much of the risque humor that, while not uncommon in children's animation in Japan, would be considered unacceptable by American standards, with the policewoman Sachiko being the usual target of the fan service-oriented humor. The TV series also aired in its entirety in Italy under the title Robottino, and some episodes are also available in Spanish as Robotete.
Genre: Comedy , Family , Fantasy , sci-fi , Animation
Actor: Nobuo Tobita , Hiroshi Masuoka , Natsumi Sakuma , Aya Mizoguchi , Masako Miura , Yoko Kawanami
Director: Kazuyuki Okaseko
Writer: Ken Ishikawa , Toyohiro And
Country: Japan
Release: 1982-10-07
Duration: 24 to 30m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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