Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala
Fancy Lala, known in Japan as Fancy Lala, the Magic Stage is a magical girl anime series produced by Studio Pierrot in 1998. A two-volume manga adaptation by Rurika Kasuga ran in Ribon. The original designs were created by Akemi Takada, who worked on many of the 80's Studio Pierrot series. The anime series has been licensed for English release by Bandai Entertainment.
Genre: Comedy , Drama , Animation
Actor: Atsuko Tanaka , Michiko Neya , Yoshiko Sakakibara , Kappei Yamaguchi , Ken Narita , Yuji Ueda , Ryusuke Ohbayashi , Mayumi Izuka , Tomoko Ishimura , Omi Minami , Mitsuru Miyamoto , Shinobu Adachi , Hideo Ishikawa , Fumie Kusachi , Eiko Kanazawa , Noboru Hoshino , Reiko mori
Country: JP
Release: 1998-04-05
Duration: 20 to 26m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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