Minami no Niji no Lucy
Lucy of the Southern Rainbow is a Japanese anime series by Nippon Animation. The 1982 adaptation of the studio's popular World Masterpiece Theater franchise, the anime is based on Southern Rainbow by Australian writer Phyllis Piddington, and tells the story of a young girl named Lucy and the hardships and excitement she and her family encounter when they move from England to Adelaide in Australia to start a farm. The anime has been dubbed into French, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, German and Persian. One interesting note is that this was the only World Masterpiece Theater series to be produced while the original creator of the story was still alive. Another adaptation of the story, written by Ken Wakasaki as a tie-in to the anime, was also published in Japan in 1982.
Actor: Junpei Takiguchi , Ikuko Tani , Rihoko Yoshida , Katsunosuke Hori , Minori Matsushima , Tamagawa Sakiko
Director: Hiroshi Sait
Writer: Akira Miyazaki
Country: JP
Release: 1982-01-10
Duration: 20 to 26m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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