Onigiri thrusts its players into mystical Japan, a land filled with mythical creatures of Japanese legend. Starting as a lone Oni, players fight against the malevolent influence of the Kamikui as their miasma spreads over the land. 8 NPCs, each with their own distinct personality and skills, ally themselves with the player to help build a legend, and quell the evil that has arisen. As you grow stronger together, so do the bonds binding you to each other.
Genre: Action , Adventure , Animation
Actor: Suzuko Mimori , Eriko Matsui , Izumi Kitta , Aina Suzuki , Natsuko Hara , Yuki Nakashima
Director: Takashi Yamamoto
Writer: Takamitsu Kohno
Country: JP
Release: 2016-04-07
Duration: 20 to 26m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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