SF Shinseiki Lensman
In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman" from the 1930s-1950s, Kimball Kinnison, a young man from the agricultural planet Mquie and his Valerian companion, Buscirk find a dying man with a legendary crystal lens embedded in his hand. As the man was dying, he mysteriously passed on the Lens to Kim. With more companions to come by, Kim must find out the purpose of the Lens before the Boskone dynasty does.
Genre: Action , Animation , Science Fiction
Actor: Toshio Furukawa , Mami Koyama , Chikao Ohtsuka , Nachi Nozawa , Katsuya Kobayashi , Seiz Kat , Eiji Kanie , Hidekatsu Shibata , Koji Yada , Takeshi Aono , Masaharu Sato , Yasuo Tanaka , Masashi Hironaka , Michitaka Kobayashi , Shingo Kanemoto , Tadashi Nakamura , Masato Hirano , Yuko Saito , Tadashi Yokouchi
Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri , Kazuyuki Hirokawa
Writer: Soji Yoshikawa , Edward E Smith
Country: Japan
Release: 1984-06-07
Duration: 1h 47m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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