Sinbad - The Flying Princess and the Secret Island (Dub)
Sinbad: Sora Tobu Hime to Himitsu no Shima is an upcoming Japanese animated family adventure film inspired by Arabian Nights. The film is produced by Nippon Animation and Shirogumi, directed by Shinpei Miyashita and written by Kaeko Hayafune.
Genre: Action , Family , Fantasy , Animation , Adventure
Actor: Tomo Muranaka , Takeshi Kaga , Hiroko Yakushimaru , Momoko Tanabe , Akira Ishida , Nao Nagasawa , Tadashi Miyazawa , Yutaka Aoyama
Director: Shinpei Miyashita
Writer: Kaeko Hayafune
Country: Japan
Release: 2015-07-04
Duration: 50m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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