Under the Dog
The story takes place within Neo Tokyo in the year 2025, five years after a severe terrorist attack at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Students possessing special abilities are forced into serving an elite anti-terrorist unit created by the United Nations, fighting against threats including other ability users. If these agents fail their mission, they will be killed along with their families, who have bombs planted within their heads. One member of this covert ops unit, a Swedish girl by the name of Anthea Kallenberg, seeks to find who she really is.
Genre: Action , Thriller , Animation , Science Fiction
Actor: Asami Seto , Rumi Okubo , Koki Uchiyama , Naomi Ohzora , Haruka Takahashi
Director: Masahiro Ando
Writer: Jiro Ishii , Yukinori Kitajima
Country: Japan
Release: 2016-08-01
Duration: 24m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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