In a land filled with magic and mystery, two rival kingdoms are readying for war: Isa, the beautiful water-laden city, and Paro, the industrialized wasteland. Windaria follows the tale of two sets of lovers: Marin and Izu, a young pair of farmers who are devoted to one another, and Ahanas and Jill, princess and prince of the rival kingdoms. With war approaching, these star-crossed lovers will experience the true depth of tragedy as they struggle to survive.
Genre: Action , Fantasy , Animation
Actor: Toru Furuya , Naoko Matsui , Kazuhiko Inoue , Waka Kanda , Gara Takashima , Sho Saito , Kan Tokumaru , Rihoko Yoshida , Norio Wakamoto , Hidekatsu Shibata , Ichiro Nagai , Yumi Kinoshita , Kazuki Yao , Tomie Kataoka
Director: Kunihiko Yuyama
Writer: Keisuke Fujikawa
Country: Japan
Release: 1986-07-19
Duration: 1h 40m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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