BeyWarriors: Cyborg is an anime series, a spin-off of the Beyblade franchise. Commissioned by Nelvana and produced by SynergySP, the series follows BeyWheelz and BeyWarriors: BeyRaiderz in being created primarily for the Western market. The standalone show has 26 episodes. Despite being produced for a Western audience, BeyWarriors: Cyborg has seen limited distribution outside of Asia. The series initially debuted on K2 on October 18, 2014 in Italy where the show's first 14 episodes ran before being abruptly pulled from the schedule. Following the disappointing results of Beyblade: Shogun Steel and BeyWarriors: BeyRaiderz, Nelvana dropped the series, giving distribution rights to the Japanese company, d-rights and Hasbro's toyline was cancelled. An English dubbed version started airing on Toonami Asia and Toonami India on October 3, 2015. The Japanese version of the series began streaming on February 27, 2015 on the Anime Hodai streaming service. It was later streamed on U-Next. In conjunction with the channel's then upcoming broadcast of Beyblade Burst, Disney XD in the United States acquired the catalog rights to the entire Beyblade franchise in late 2016. This included BeyWarriors: Cyborg, though as of 2019 the series remains unreleased in North America.
Genre: Action , Fantasy , Adventure , sci-fi
Country: Japan
Release: 2018-10-18
Duration: 24 to 30m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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