Gundam Seed (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED) (Dub)
In this era, mankind has developed into two subspecies: Naturals, who reside on Earth and Coordinators, genetically-enhanced humans capable of withstanding the rigors of space who inhabit orbital colonies. The story revolves around a young Coordinator Kira Yamato who becomes involved in the war between the two races after a neutral space colony is invaded by the Coordinators.
Genre: Action , Fantasy , Adventure , sci-fi , Animation , War
Actor: Takehito Koyasu , Toshihiko Seki , Megumi Toyoguchi , Soichiro Hoshi , Akira Ishida , Hiro Yuuki , Isshin Chiba , Kotono Mitsuishi , Tomokazu Seki , Hiroshi Takemura , Hideyuki Hori , Kazuya Nakai , Kinryuu Arimoto , Houko Kuwashima , Nobuyuki Hiyama , Yasuhiro Takato , Rie Tanaka , Mami Matsui , Naomi Shindo , Akira Sasanuma , Takayuki Inoue , Shunichi Miyamoto , Tetsu Shiratori
Director: Mitsuo Fukuda
Writer: Yoshiyuki Tomino , Hiroyuki Yoshino , Akinori End , Chiaki Morosawa , Robert Chomiak
Country: JP
Release: 2002-10-05
Duration: 20 to 26m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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