Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun (Flint: The Time Detective)
Flint the Time Detective, known in Japan as Space-Time Detective Genshi-kun, is an animated Japanese television series directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi. It was based on a manga by Hideki Sonoda and Akira Yamauchi and was published by Kodansha in Japan. The anime aired from 1998 to 1999 in Japan and ran for 39 episodes. In USA Flint the Time Detective airs from March 5, 2000 until November 5, 2000. The series also aired in the Philippines via GMA 7 and dubbed in Filipino language which runs from late 2000 until mid-2001. Enoki Films and Sanrio hold the license to Flint the Time Detective.
Genre: Action , Comedy , Crime , Fantasy , Adventure , sci-fi , Mystery , Animation
Actor: Chafurin , Yumi Touma , Toshiyuki Morikawa , Mitsuaki Madono , Fumihiko Tachiki , Chinami Nishimura , Kappei Yamaguchi , Motoko Kumai , Nana Mizuki , Masamichi Sato , Keiichi Nanba , Hisao Egawa , Hirohiko Kakegawa , Koji Ishii , Mami Nakajima , Yukiji , Kiyu Morita , Katsumi Suzuki , Hiromi Ishikawa
Director: Hiroshi Fukutomi
Country: JP
Release: 1998-10-01
Duration: 24 to 30m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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