JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (DUB)
Based on the long-running manga by Hirohiko Araki, the first OVA series follows Joseph Joestar and his 17-year-old grandson Jotaro as they attempt to finish the family blood feud against the immortal vampire Dio. Joseph and Jotaro have gathered several mystical warriors each with powers representing one card from The Stand (a variation of Tarot cards), with Jotaro having powers over the strongest Stand - the Star Platinum. Dio himself has gathered Stand warriors and together they face off for the sake of Jotaro's mother Holly and domination of the world.
Genre: Animation , Sci-Fi & Fantasy , Action & Adventure
Actor: Jurota Kosugi , Hirotaka Suzuoki , Chikao Ohtsuka , Katsuji Mori , Kiyoshi Kobayashi , Nobuo Tanaka
Director: Hideki Futamura
Writer: Hirohiko Araki
Country: JP
Release: 1993-11-19
Duration: 24 to 30mi
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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