Osomatsu-kun (1966)
The first animated adaptation of the 1960s gag manga series, focusing on the adventures of the identical 10-year-old Matsuno sextuplets, led by the titular brother himself. Aside from the Matsunos, the series also showcases the tales of their rival Chibita, and the consistently job-switching conman Iyami.
Actor: Takako Sasuga , Keiko Yamamoto , Fuyumi Shiraishi , Joji Yanami , Mitsuko Asou , Midori Kat , Haruko Kitahama , Kazue Tagami , Setsuo Wakui , Mie Azuma
Writer: Fujio Akatsuka
Country: JP
Release: 1966-02-05
Duration: 20 to 26m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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