Overman King Gainer (Dub)
Overman King Gainer is an anime TV series, created by Sunrise. Directed by longtime animator Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of the Gundam series, written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, and featuring character designs by Yoshihiro Nakamura, Kinu Nishimura and Ken'ichi Yoshida, the series ran from September 7, 2002 to March 22, 2003 on Japan's WOWOW network, spanning a total of 26 episodes.
Genre: Action , Fantasy , Adventure , sci-fi , Animation , War
Actor: Takehito Koyasu , Ai Kobayashi , Hirofumi Nojima , Youhei Oobayashi , Toshiko Sawada , Otoya Kawano , Tadahisa Saizen
Director: Yoshiyuki Tomino
Writer: Ichirou Ookouchi
Country: JP
Release: 2002-09-07
Duration: 24 to 30m
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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